The answers can be reviewed below. Because we solve the crosswords on paper, whenever a new solution is found, we add it below and also specify the date it has appeared on the puzzle.

Last seen on August 25, 2023 on Vox . The answers that solve this crossword clue, are listed below. They are displayed on the left side of the column along with other specifics such as the puzzle name where it appeared, word length etc.
Dish with Hanoi and Saigon styles Answers.
We have 1 answers total.Answer
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PHO also answers these other clues
- Vietnamese noodle soup
- Vietnamese soup
- Dish often topped with sriracha
- Soup with bean sprouts
- Savory Vietnamese soup
Similar clues
- Dish with apples, walnuts, and grapes [found him!]
- Dish with bacon and hard-boiled eggs
- Dish with a curly-leafed green
- Dish with a thick broth
Additional Questions
It was last seen on August 25th, 2023.
We have not seen the clue before August 25th, 2023.
We have a total of 6 clues which have PHO listed as a solution.